Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Disparity Between The Achievements Of Males And Females

The disparity between the achievements of males and females has been a concerning issue in education since the day girls were required to go to school. Ideally, as a whole, students belonging to either gender should perform equally well in their studies, but rarely has that ever happened. Boys traditionally performed better than their female peers because it was once normal for them to receive an education while girls stayed at home. Recently, however, a different trend has occurred in gender achievement. On average, â€Å"In high school, girls get higher grades in every subject, usually by about a quarter of a point, and have a higher median class rank† (Brooks 410). This sudden shift has prompted many concerned parents to wonder whether school curriculums have been recently designed to interest girls, while ignoring what boys like in the process. Although it is easy to blame the public school system for catering to girls, they are not the immediate problem; the expectation f or boys to pursue certain interests is the reason for the achievement gap. At a young age, many children are taught potentially damaging beliefs about what they should like and how they should act. Typically, baby girls are given pink clothes, while baby boys are given blue clothes. This all happens before they form their own opinions of their favorite color. After that, whether from family or peers, they are conditioned either consciously or subconsciously on what topics should interest them. ForShow MoreRelated Achievement Gap Essay1447 Words   |  6 PagesThe achievement gap is defined as the disparity between the performance groups of students, especially groups defined by gender, race/ethnicity, ability and socio-economic status. 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