Saturday, May 23, 2020

managing conflicts and negotiation Essay - 544 Words

Managing Conflict and Negotiations In week one, the class read and discussed topics related to problem-based learning and managing conflict and negotiation. Also, the Learning Team handbook and tools were introduced and teams were assigned. The required readings, class discussions and sharing of experiences were valuable in learning more about these topics. The 9-step problem-solving model is a valuable, systematic tool used to identify the real problem and make an intelligent decision. This process guides you to look at creating future solutions and not just solving past problems. The 9 steps of this model include (1)describing the situation, (2)defining the problem statement, (3)describing the end state goals, (4)identifying†¦show more content†¦The Learning Team handbook and examples of tools were informative. This is important information that will be needed during our group projects. It’s been a while, but I used these forms when I attended University of Phoenix about 6 years ago. The required readings and discussion questions were very informative. Understanding the different types of conflict that exist will be useful in my own life as well as at work. After reading other classmates discussions and questions, it made the topics more real and easier to understand. Even though the 9-step problem-solving model appears to be easy to use, I can now see how it can be misused or not useful in all situations. In any case, it can improve your critical thinking skills the more we use it. The discussion on gender stereotyping was very interesting. It seems to always come up when discussing management roles. The personal and professional applications presented in this week’s readings will be useful to me. Especially identifying and dealing with different types of conflict. Conflict is inevitable in a team environment. People have differences in opinions, different personalities and various cultural backgrounds. The HOA Board I serve on is always dealing with conflict. We have different cultural backgrounds in our community and you need to know how to communicate without being offensive. People on the Special Event committee that I help with wantShow MoreRelatedLearning About Human Behavior And Organizational Culture, Motivation, Managing Conflict, And Negotiation1242 Words   |  5 Pagesdefines ethical and moral? Is it one’s own cultural beliefs that dictate this or possibly the United States Constitution, the Holy Bible, and written laws? The topics I will focus on are organizational culture, team culture, motivation, managing conflict, and negotiations. These are a few key topics that stood out to me and I will utilize the knowledge gained in my future endeavors. It seems organizational culture is a key component when a person decides to start a business. As a business plan isRead MoreNegotiation by Lewicki1690 Words   |  7 Pages Book Summary of Negotiation by Roy J. Lewicki, David M. Saunders, and John W. 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