Friday, May 1, 2020

Epistemological Construct of the Research Paradigm

Question: Discuss about theEpistemological Construct of the Research Paradigm. Answer: Introduction: The research is constructed to find out the need for Employee Motivation in Business. The aim is to find out what motivates one employee to give more for the business and thus what is the way to implement it in the business. However, this research wont be based on all employees across all businesses due to limitations. Nevertheless, it would give a fair idea of employees need for motivation and how businesses are offering them for best motivation generation among the people. The research paradigm selected suites the cause the best as it is meant to give the research its findings (Murphy and Ensher, 2008). Research Methodology The target group of people from various businesses are to be chosen for the research in a random fashion which may range from small, medium and large sector industries to give a comprehensive view of the effect of motivation in each of such businesses. The study would use case studies and surveys where primary research questions would be answered to make comprehensive findings for the research. The methodology adopted is significant as the case of motivation is a very personal issue and not every employee has same expectation from their employer. Therefore, the instruments of motivation differ one from another due to their individual wants are different. Therefore, to determine the best source of motivation at each level of the business regarding its range can be covered while factors about such business structure's effect are also made clear thereby (Collis and Hussey, 2013). This research would use the employer and employee both in a random fashion from various sectors of different size. The data for the research would be based on case study as it gives a comprehensive cause for the motivation or the opposite of it. Further, the primary data would be collected from the employees of the different organization which may number 20 in size. The Management of the companies would be approached for the same reason to get their perspective and strategic overview of motivation linked with business excellence. A team of minimum five managerial staffs of the organization would be needed to get the employer's perspective (Rowley, 2012). The Research Epistemology This is a very important part of the research as the epistemology guides the research methods and its ways. The researcher chooses the epistemology with a minute study of the subject and thus finding out which process is best suited to get the needed findings for the research. The research would dig into the employer and employee's mind to get an answer to the research questions. The employee's answer is one side while the employer's perspective is the other part. The research follows a Qualitative primary data selection along with case study analysis from the various sectors and nations to get a result which may or may not establish the findings from the primary qualitative interviews. Hence the research finds that this is the best way to answer the motivation aspect in business. The quantitative research wont be of any help in this case as the questions dont portray the actual nature of the motivation hence the qualitative and case study for research on the subject is given primary focus on to establish the findings. Threats to Research Design The qualitative questions that would be asked need to well understand and comprehended with examples from the research participants. The qualitative questions may create fear in among the minds of people interviewed since it would be recorded. The people may restrict their observation and notion about the subject in fear of getting a hard hit back from the employer if they speak or criticize them. Hence, the research has to ensure that the name and position of the people interviewed are kept as utmost secret and used for educational purpose only. This is ethical and logical to get the full picture of the situation existing in the business. Such helps in findings and aids the researcher to give recommendations based on the findings (Bailey, 1990). The managers may be reluctant to give an interview, so a threat of not getting full or precise information from the employer's perspective remains blurred in such case. Again, the research may have opposite reaction to a question posed which has to be done in a manner that doesn't offend the respondents. The validity of the qualitative study is that it helps the respondents go in details and is not restricted to a set of questions which at times fails to ask the right question to get the right answer. This answers in details open many doors towards a new dimension of study that the qualitative may fail to bring forth. The case studies are the current example of what has happened and the reasons for it in the subjects context. Thus the chosen methodology is epistemological perspective valid and reliable (Siccama and Penna, 2008). Sampling Techniques The sampling technique used for this research is that they are based on a case study a secondary research method from a published case. This research would also generate primary data from the questions posed before the research subjects. Such a combination of primary and secondary research gives a clear overview and helps the researcher to find a reliable answer to the research questions. The qualitative data is the primary data which would be collected from 20 different people where the approach to attending the interview would be online which is also true for the business managers. This saves their time and researcher's as well in setting up interview individually but let the request be floated via social media. Random sampling from the interested candidate would be chosen which would be 20 in number. The same way the managers would also be selected in a random way which may vary from 5 to 6 personnel attending the interview (Leydesdorff, 1994). Problems that May Occur and its Solution The research may lead the researcher visit many places on the same day which may be of great logistical nuance. Neither the time needed for a complete qualitative interview can be given nor may the people associated give time during the office hours. Hence, the strategies solution is maximum use of social media for real-time discussion where Skype may come in for good use. Hence the use of the technology is of great use. It gives the respondents their personal space to express themselves without the fear of any other person poking on what the discussion is all about. The identity can thus be blocked from being disclosed, giving the needed protection regarding business politics at the place of work (Allwood and Barmark, 1999). Ethical Issues The discussed aspects of this research show a great deal of ethical incline from the researcher's side. Hence, the ways have been derived from keeping the problems out of the process with an ethical use of data and interview process for the research. Firstly, the identity of the respondents won't be disclosed in any case since it may have reputations on their career and position in the business. The use of social media is one good way to convenience them to get the needed space of confidentiality to get involved in the interview. Secondly, the data collected would be used for educational purpose only and won't be misused for any personal or monetary gains. The research answers are to be comprehended and reading between the lines are important so the identity disclosure may leave the researcher blank if the subject needs further research both themselves and for the other students (Gallagher, 2015). Further, the secrecy of the data has to be noted and shouldnt be transferred to others via social media shares but via hard drive transcription sharing without name and location of the personnel to keep the research data secure and ethically balanced (Wu, 2008). Data Analysis Techniques The primary and secondary data comes from the interviews and case studies. Thus the interview answers are to be well read which also needs to go "in between the lines." Such analysis gives a complete overview of a distinct trait identification and doesn't keep the research vague as in qualitative ways, in this case, may prove to be. The secondary data would be sourced for the recent case study from three different levels of industry to get the answers of motivation linked with business. This technique is adopted as it suits the research epistemology or logic finding methods for the subject at hand (Saunders et al, 2012). Conclusions The research carried out to find the motivation of employees and business success dependent on it needs such as data collection, research of the data to come to a findings. These findings may not be universally true as it neither encompasses all the industries nor does it consider all sectors. However, the research carried out on the limited data from primary and secondary sources may give us a very comprehensive view of the research findings. This may vary from sector to sector or economy to economy but the perspective of linkage of motivation with business growth can be associated with such research. References Allwood, C. and Barmark, J. (1999). The role of research problems in the process of research.Social Epistemology, 13(1), pp.59-83. Bailey, J. (1990). Problems of data collection and analysis.The Law Teacher, 24(4), pp.77-81. Collis, J. and Hussey, R. (2013)Business Research: A Practical Guide for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students. 4th ed. London: Palgrave-MacMillan. Gallagher, A. (2015). Ethics and research culture.Nursing Ethics, 22(2), pp.161-162. Leydesdorff, L. (1994). Exchange on the cognitive dimension as a problem for empirical research in science studies.Social Epistemology, 8(2), pp.91-107. Murphy, S. E. and Ensher, E. A. (2008). A qualitative analysis of charismatic leadership in creative teams: The case of television directors.The Leadership Quarterly, 19(3), pp.335-352. Rowley, J. (2012). Conducting research interviews.Management Research Review, 35(3/4), pp.260-271. Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2012)Research Methods for Business Students, 6th ed. Pearson Learning Solutions. Siccama, C.J. and Penna, S. (2008). Enhancing validity of a qualitative dissertation research study by using NVivo.Qualitative Research Journal, 8(2), pp.91-103. Wu, C. (2008). Knowledge creation in a supply chain.Supply Chain Management. An International Journal, 13(3), pp.241-p250.

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